Three Options Ahead of You

What is your next step?

There are 3 options head of you:

  1. Stay in the past: Continue with manual processes, maintain standalone machinery, and slowly integrate basic computer systems without a focus on connectivity or data-driven decision-making.

  2. Live in the present: Prioritize IoT adoption, integrate AI-driven analytics, develop smart factories, and begin exploring data-driven operations.

  3. Move toward the future: Fully embrace autonomous operations, optimize human-AI partnerships, decentralize manufacturing processes for adaptability, and lead in predictive maintenance and hyper-personalized production.

According to the World Economic Forum’s Manufacturing Transformation Insights Report 2022, the top 10% of manufacturer currently a maturity level of about 2.7 out of 5 in 16 different evaluation categories using the Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI) assessment, with enterprise Intelligence being the lowest scoring and Inter- and Intra- company collaboration being the highest scoring. 

In addition, The World Economic Forum Lighthouse program since its launch in 2018 has only identified a total of 153 factories worldwide as of December 2023 that are demonstrating best-in-class leadership in using Industry 4.0 technologies to transform factories, value chains and business models, for compelling financial and operational returns.



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