Don’t Rush Your AI Projects


Ever played a game of hot potato? The pressure builds, and everyone is trying to pass the potato before it’s too late.

Right now, many companies are rushing into AI with the same frantic energy. But instead of a potato, they’re tossing around an ‘AI bomb’ from department to department (and sometimes even person to person) that could explode if not handled correctly.

According to the Manufacturing Leadership Council as part of their 2023 Report on Industrial AI, 61% of manufacturers don’t have specific metrics to measure the effectiveness/impact of AI deployments. That is crazy high!

The hype around AI is real, and the potential is enormous. But diving in headfirst without a plan can leave you holding the AI bomb.

Here's how to approach AI the right way:

  • Don’t play the hot potato game: Take your time to understand AI’s capabilities and limitations. Rushing in without a strategy is a recipe for disaster.

  • Assemble a skilled team: Think of them as your AI experts. They’ll help evaluate AI’s potential and identify the best use cases for your business. No more guessing games.

  • Start with small, controlled tests: Just like in hot potato, you don’t want to be left holding the problem. Begin with small pilot projects to see how AI fits within your operations. Gather insights and learn from these tests.

  • Strategic integration: Align AI projects with your long-term goals. Make sure each step forward is planned and purposeful, avoiding chaotic implementation.

  • Gradual scaling: Once you’ve got a good handle on your pilot projects, scale up slowly. This way, you can make adjustments as needed without overwhelming your systems or your team.

  • Stay agile and adaptable: AI technology is evolving quickly. Keep your approach flexible so you can pivot and adapt to new developments. This agility will keep you ahead of the curve without falling into the hot potato trap.

AI is a powerful tool that can drive innovation and efficiency, but only if approached thoughtfully. Don’t get stuck with the AI bomb waiting to go off. Instead, take a strategic, agile approach to ensure your AI initiatives succeed.

Ready to play smart with AI? 



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