Trend Vs Transformation
The difference between a trend and transformation lies in strategy, not technology

The Evolving Role of the Chief Digital Officer
The evolution of the CDO role reflects the growing complexity and urgency of digital transformation.

From Cost Center to Strategic Asset: Manufacturing's Digital Evolution
The transition from Industry 3.0 to Industry 4.0 marks a fundamental shift in how manufacturing companies create and capture value.

Starting & Scaling Digital Transformation Cheat Sheet
Made it easy to remember key aspects companies should focus on as they 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 and 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐞 their Digital Transformation Initiatives. .

Things That Matter Vs. Things You Can Control
You can’t boil the ocean, but you can stir the right pot.

Digital Transformation HOW Vs. WHY
The best strategies begin with a compelling 'WHY.

Innovate or Else: Economic Tipping Points for Manufacturing Business & Operating Models
WMF Panel VI: “Innovate or Else: Economic Tipping Points for Manufacturing Business & Operating Models”

AI blinders protect you from distractions…and opportunities
Blinders narrow your focus, but AI's true value is in widening your perspective.

The Six Types of Digital Business Transformation
Digital transformation isn’t just about doing things better—it’s about doing better things.

Peeling Back the Onion on Your Digital Transformation Journey
You can buy the latest tech, but you can’t buy the right mindset.

Build a Good Data Foundation
Don't patch the cracks, replace the foundation.

Digital Transformation Strategy Statement Builder
Your digital strategy is only as strong as your team's understanding of it

Four Different Viewpoints of Industrial AI
The Industrial AI Framework and its use in 2024

Dashboard Overload
A noisy dashboard makes for a silent strategy.

Ideal Team Vs. Real World Team
Change may start with a strategy, but it succeeds with people.

Conway’s Law
How you connect your people is how you’ll connect your tech

The Power of Integrated Transformations
You don’t have to change everything at once, but you have to change enough to stay ahead.

The Iron Triangle in a Digital Era
Is the iron triangle outdated?

Don’t Build a Magdeburg Unicorn With Your Data
Don’t Build a Magdeburg Unicorn with Your Data

Elon Musk’s Five Step Design Process
When in doubt, delete—less is always more