Why It's Time to Formalize Innovation w/ Jeff Winter

The Manufacturing Executive

Here we are in a decade when technology is advancing at a faster rate than ever before. The pressure to innovate is all around us.

But from an innovation standpoint, what's essential and what's not? Where do we make investments? How far ahead of the technology adoption curve do we need to be? And how do we innovate without overwhelming our respective teams?

These are the types of questions today's manufacturing leaders are being forced to answer all the time.

In this conversation, Jeff Winter, Sr. Director of Industry Strategy for Manufacturing with Hitachi Solutions, talks about why innovation matters so much right now. He'll illustrate some common misconceptions about innovation. And most importantly, he'll talk about how today's manufacturing leaders can formalize innovation to stay relevant, drive growth and mitigate the often overwhelming stressors that come along with innovating.

Questions Jeff answers in this episode:

  1. Jeff, why is innovation so important in manufacturing at this moment in time?

  2. What are some of the most common misconceptions about innovation?

  3. What exactly does "formalizing innovation" mean, and why does it matter?

  4. Can you share any examples of formalized innovation done the right way inside of real-life manufacturing organizations?

  5. How does the concept we just talked about – formalizing innovation – help companies adapt when a massively disruptive technology like Chat GPT falls out of the sky?

Link to Manufacturing Executive’s original podcast page

Sources Referenced:


Thriving with AI: Artificial Intelligence Strategies for Manufacturers with Jeff Winter


Five Types of Digital Twins