Five Types of Digital Twins

According to IoT Analytics in their Digital Twin Market Report 2023-2027, the market for digital twins expanded by 71% between 2020 and 2022. 63% of manufacturers are currently developing a digital twin or have plans to develop one.

Digital Twin - Five Ps

To simplify the broad range of potential digital twin applications, a classification approach I like to use is called the β€œ5 Ps”. This model is easy to remember and covers nearly all use cases of industrial digital twins:

Part Digital Twin: A digital representation of individual components or parts typically to understand the physical, mechanical, and electrical characteristics of the part.

  • Example: A digital twin of a turbine blade to monitor its wear and tear, optimize maintenance schedules, and predict its failure.

Product Digital Twin: A digital representation of the interoperability of components or parts as they work together as part of a product.

  • Example: A digital twin of an entire aircraft to simulate and test its performance under different conditions, ensuring quality and safety.

Plant Digital Twin: A digital representation of a plant, facility, or system to understand how assets work together at an operational level.

  • Example: A digital twin of a manufacturing plant to optimize production processes, enhance operational efficiency, and reduce downtimes through real-time insights.

Process Digital Twin: A digital representation of a specific process or workflow within a system or a facility. This can also include supply chain routes.

  • Example: A digital twin of a chemical production process to identify inefficiencies, refine processes, and ensure cost-effective operations. Additionally, a digital twin of the supply chain to optimize logistics, track shipments, and improve delivery times.

Person Digital Twin: A digital representation of a person to capture their movements, habits, interactions, skills, knowledge, and preferences. This can also be applied in agribusiness companies for animals to monitor their health.

  • Example: A digital twin of a factory worker to analyze workflow patterns, monitor fatigue, and improve safety and productivity. Similarly, a digital twin of livestock to monitor their health, track growth, and optimize feeding schedules.

How does a Digital Thread relate to a Digital Twin?

A digital thread is like the ultimate data storyteller for your business. It’s a data-driven architecture that links information generated across various process steps, turning isolated data into a seamless flow. Imagine taking all those siloed data sources in your organization and weaving them into one coherent strand of data. That’s the magic of a digital thread.

So, what exactly does a digital thread do?

  1. Linking the Process Chain: Think of a digital thread as the string that connects every step of your process, from raw materials to the end user. It ensures that all data generated along the way is logically chained together. For example, it can link data from raw materials manufacturing, inbound warehousing, shipping, manufacturing and assembly, outbound warehousing, distribution, and even reverse logistics.

  2. Breaking Down Silos: By tying up siloed data sources, a digital thread transforms fragmented data into a single strand, making it easier to manage and analyze. This means no more isolated data pockets; everything is connected.

  3. Examples of Digital Threads:

    • Product Lifecycle Thread: From concept and design to manufacturing and operation, the digital thread captures data at each stage, providing a comprehensive view of the product’s lifecycle.

    • Raw Material to Finished Good Thread: Tracks the journey from raw materials to the final product received by the end user, ensuring transparency and efficiency.

    • Intelligent Manufacturing Thread: Connects every step from production management and optimization to maintenance and updates, creating a smart, streamlined manufacturing process.

    • Software Development Thread: Covers everything from requirement analysis and design to development, testing, deployment, and maintenance.

The Role of Digital Twins in Digital Threads

Digital twins play a crucial role in enhancing digital threads. They act as the single source of truth along the digital thread by connecting different process steps through tools like CAD, PLM, ERP, and SCM. Here’s how they add value:

  1. Comprehensive Representation: A digital twin doesn’t just represent an isolated function; it provides a true digital representation of the entire process. This makes it invaluable for holistic analysis and optimization.

  2. Maturing with Information: As more information is gathered along the digital thread, the digital twin matures, offering a more comprehensive and connected view of the process it represents.

  3. Feedback Mechanism: When isolated digital twins are merged along a digital thread, they create a holistic digital twin. This integration allows feedback loops between models representing different phases of an asset. For instance, an issue identified during the decommissioning phase can provide valuable feedback for the design phase, ensuring continuous improvement.

Approaches to Digital Twins and Digital Threads:

  1. Standalone Digital Twins: These are focused on specific applications and offer limited value. The insights drawn are confined to the phase they represent, such as design or decommissioning.

  2. Integrated Digital Threads: By weaving together isolated digital twins with an enterprise-wide digital thread, businesses can achieve a holistic digital twin. This approach allows models to be relevant across all phases, enabling feedback mechanisms and comprehensive insights.

Why Does This Matter?

The combination of digital twins and digital threads is a game-changer for businesses. It transforms fragmented data into a coherent, actionable narrative that can drive efficiency, innovation, and strategic decision-making. Companies like Siemens, PTC, and GE are at the forefront of advancing this integration, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the digital landscape.

In short, if you want to turn your data into a powerful tool for growth and innovation, embracing digital threads and digital twins is the way to go. They provide the clarity and connectivity needed to thrive in today’s fast-paced digital world.



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