Digital Transformation Chaos


“The absence of an accident does not mean the presence of safety.” – A profound statement I lived by during my years spent in industrial safety.

Applied to digital transformation, this saying reminds us that just because no immediate issues are surfacing, it doesn’t mean our digital strategies are effective. Just because things appear to look good doesn't necessarily mean they are as they should be.

True transformation demands more than just better outputs, it requires changed behaviors. Each instance of confusion among employees or each delayed decision represents a missed opportunity, or worse, a derailed initiative.

The goal of a strategy

It’s not about dictating every move your decision-makers should make; it’s about providing them with the guidance they need to make decisions that align with a unified goal. The strategy map isn’t a set of instructions but a compass - it shows the way, focusing on how to decide rather than what to decide.

How to avoid chaos and confusion

  • Map it: Just like we use real maps to help us navigate unknown terrains, your employees need a clear, visual ‘map’ to understand the company's digital transformation destination and journey. Create a strategic document that not only outlines your ultimate goals (destination), but also marks the path and major milestones along the way. This map should be intuitive, accessible, and updated regularly to reflect new insights and adjustments. It’s about giving everyone a shared understanding of where you're headed and the steps required to get there, ensuring no one feels lost or disconnected from the organization’s objectives.

  • Explain it: Simply having a map isn’t enough if your team doesn’t understand how to use it. Take the time to explain how this map relates to each person's daily tasks and long-term goals. Show them how they can use this map to make better 'navigational decisions' in their work. Take your strategy and break it down for your team, but don’t stop at a general overview. Tailor your explanation to how it impacts specific departments, job roles, and even individual responsibilities.

  • Repeat it: To make your digital transformation stick, you need to keep the strategy top of mind for everyone. Regularly communicate updates, successes, and even setbacks. Use every channel at your disposal (meetings, newsletters, digital boards, etc.) to keep the dialogue alive. The goal is to engrain the strategy in everyone's mindset and daily actions, turning it from a concept into a core part of your company culture.

Video inspired by:


Kaushik’s 10/90 Rule


The State of Digital Transformation in 2024