The Brachistochrone Curve and Digital Transformation

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The Brachistochrone Curve is a mathematical phenomenon that proves that if you need to reach a destination in the quickest possible time, the path you take doesn’t necessarily have to be straight. This seemingly counterintuitive idea was first proposed by Johann Bernoulli in 1696 and has been studied extensively ever since.

How does it relate to digital transformation?

The same principle applies when it comes to navigating your company’s digital transformation journey - the fastest route is rarely direct or follows a linear path. This is especially true when you are in a race to beat the competition!

Make sure you have a clear understanding of your current state (Point A) and where you what to go (Point B), so you can develop the fastest and best way to get there. Having the right "mass" (the right solution, strategy, and resources) and "momentum" (leadership buy-in and cultural readiness), will allow you to leverage “gravity” to accelerate early and faster out of the gate. At the same time, you should always look for ways to reduce any "friction" along the way that may slow you down 😀


VSause - The Brachistochrone:


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