Artificial Intelligence WILL Revolutionize Manufacturing

Embrace change before it overtakes you!

AI is all over the place these days—changing how we work, what we do, and how we do it. The pace at which this revolution is unfolding often leaves professionals struggling to stay abreast of how the technology works, the changes it brings, and the value it can create. Understanding these shifts is crucial, and books like Artificial Intelligence WILL Revolutionize Manufacturing by Markus Guerster provide essential insights into these evolving landscapes. Plus, I am honored to have contributed to this book by writing the foreword, sharing my perspective on why embracing AI is crucial for future-proofing our industries. 😀

Who this book is for

This book is ideal for anyone in manufacturing looking to stay ahead of the curve with AI, especially Plant Managers and leaders focused on operational strategy or innovation. No prior knowledge of AI is necessary, making it accessible for anyone curious about how AI can enhance efficiency and productivity through smarter processes.

My favorite part

One of the ideas I really enjoyed in the book was the concept of the ‘Industry 4.0 Flywheel’ (Collecting data, communicating data, predicting & detecting, and recommending & action) and how AI is used to fuel that flywheel to accelerate continuous improvement and innovation.
Ultimately this book is a fun and easy way to get started with AI in Manufacturing to help inspire and provide practical steps for how to get started.

My Forward


AI is like electricity in the early 20th century – first, it was a novelty, then it became a convenience, and before long, it was indispensable. That’s the journey we're on with AI in manufacturing. The book in your hands, 'Artificial Intelligence WILL Revolutionize Manufacturing' by Markus Guerster, is a continuation of this journey, delving into the transformative role of AI in reshaping the industry.

Hi there, I’m Jeff Winter. You might know me as the guy from Hitachi Solutions who turns tech talk into real talk, or as a LinkedIn Top Voice for Industry 4.0’s thrilling narrative. I’ve spent the better part of two decades as a bridge between complex tech and the people who make our industries tick. And what a journey it’s been – full of the kind of transformations that you’d expect in a great novel, except this story is real, and it’s unfolding right now. Let’s talk about Industry 4.0 for a moment. It’s a buzzword for sure, but one that’s rich with meaning. For me, it’s the best way to describe the era we are living in right now that brings together technology, data, and human ingenuity. It’s more than just making things smart (our machines, processes, and decisions) – it’s about completely changing the way the industry operates and provides value. And AI? It’s the brainy kid who’s just joined the team, ready to take us to the championship.

From my vantage point on the executive boards of MESA and ISA, an advisor to half a dozen other institutes, and in my conversations with industry leaders, I’ve seen the lightbulb moments when AI turns a challenge into an opportunity. It’s in these stories, some of which you’ll find within these pages, where the abstract becomes tangible. Whether it’s AI predicting a machine’s hiccup before it stalls production, or finely tuning a supply chain, these aren't just case studies; they’re glimpses into the future we’re shaping right now.

In the period spanning late 2022 to early 2023, the rise of consumer-facing generative AI tools marked a significant shift in how both the public and enterprises perceived AI’s potential. Although discussions about generative AI’s capabilities started with the introduction of GPT-2 in 2019, its full promise only became palpable to businesses recently. While AI has already been on organizations’ radars, generative AI has democratized its application, allowing it to permeate every business facet. This generative wave, I believe, is pushing AI from isolated applications to being an enterprise’s central nervous system.

Economic projections suggest this AI evolution could infuse the global economy with $2.6 to $4.4 trillion annually according to McKinsey & Company. In addition, they are anticipating AI potentially bringing forward the automation of half of all work to a decade earlier than expected. Its influence on everything is undeniable. But what about the impact in manufacturing? According to McKinsey’s “The state of AI in 2023: Generative AI’s breakout year,” manufacturing reported the most amount of cases of cost reduction, but also the most amount of cases of revenue increases out of eight functions spanning all industries. On top of that, it has the most cases of companies reporting revenue increases of 10% or more. The power is undeniable.

As you flip through the pages of this book, you’ll see how AI in manufacturing isn’t just a side act, it’s the main event. We’re talking about augmenting human skills with a level of precision and foresight that was once the stuff of science fiction. You’ll hear stories where AI didn’t just improve processes; it reinvented them. It’s like having a crystal ball, but instead of vague prophecies, you get clear, actionable insights.

Now, I won’t promise that every anecdote will have you at the edge of your seat, but I do promise they’ll have you nodding along, thinking, “Yep, I can see how that changes everything.” From the subtle ways AI is becoming a coworker on the plant floor to the big leaps forward in predictive maintenance, these stories aren’t just cool tales – they’re the signs of change, and they point to a road paved with opportunity.

So, welcome to the club – the innovators, the thinkers, the makers. Whether you’re a seasoned pro in the world of manufacturing or just dipping your toes in, there’s something here for you. This is your invitation to think big, to dream of a future where AI isn’t just a tool but a teammate.

Check out the book here on Amazon



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