The Technical Debt-inator

No longer just a mythological creature lurking in the nightmares of CIOs, the Technical Debt-inator has been infiltrating our businesses for years, growing bolder and more destructive with each passing fiscal cycle.

This crafty beast sneaks into projects with sweet whispers of immediate results and hasty solutions that dazzle in the short term but soon reveal its true, chaotic color. What starts as a quick fix becomes a shackle, binding teams to an endless cycle of maintenance and firefighting. Before you know it, your sleek, efficient processes are bogged down by this creature’s tangled web of messy code and shortcuts gone wrong.

The Technical Debt-inator thrives on the chaos that follows, watching from the shadows as teams struggle to untangle the web he's woven, all while the clock ticks down on critical deadlines.

His ultimate goal is not just to disrupt, but to teach a harsh lesson on the importance of thoughtful, sustainable development practices.


Digital Jujitsu


AI Maturity in 2024