Change in Talent Requirements Over Time

The Future of Work: How Tech is Shaping the Skills You Need

Whether you’re in the boardroom or just starting out, you’ve probably noticed that the skills companies are looking for are changing fast. It’s not just about what you know anymore; it’s about how you can use what you know to navigate this digital whirlwind.

The Skills You Need to Survive (and Thrive)

So, what’s really going on? The TEKsystems 2023 State of Digital Transformation report has some answers. As more companies dive into digital transformation, the skills in demand are shifting. Here are the heavy hitters:

  • Cybersecurity (48%): No surprise here—keeping data safe is more critical than ever. Nearly half of the companies out there are saying, “We need more cybersecurity pros, and we need them now.”

  • Data Analytics/Data Science (44%): Data is the new oil, right? But it’s only valuable if you know how to refine it. That’s where data analysts come in, making sense of all those numbers and turning them into insights that drive decisions.

  • Cloud Computing (39%): The cloud isn’t just a buzzword anymore. It’s where businesses are heading, and they need folks who can manage and optimize it.

  • Automation (34%): Repetitive tasks? That’s what robots are for. Automation skills are becoming a must-have as companies look to streamline processes and boost efficiency.

  • Project Management (33%): With all these tech projects flying around, someone’s got to keep things on track. Project managers are the unsung heroes making sure everything comes together.

  • Big Data (32%): Big data isn’t just about having lots of information; it’s about knowing what to do with it. Companies are looking for people who can handle massive datasets and find the patterns within.

  • Software Development/Engineering (31%): None of this tech stuff works without the people who build and maintain it. Software developers and engineers are in constant demand.

  • AI/ML (30%): Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are the cool kids on the block. Companies need talent who can not only understand AI/ML but also apply it to solve real business problems.

The Growing Skills Gap

But here’s the catch—while some skills are in high demand, there’s also a big gap in what companies need and what’s available in the job market. According to the TEKsystems report, here are the biggest skills gaps:

  • DevOps (67%): This is a huge one. DevOps is all about streamlining software development and operations, but finding people with these skills is like finding a needle in a haystack.

  • Blockchain (55%): Even though blockchain has tons of potential, it’s still pretty new, and the talent pool is shallow.

  • AI/ML (50%): AI/ML might be the future, but companies are struggling to find enough people who can actually make it work.

  • Cybersecurity (41%): We need more cybersecurity experts, plain and simple. The demand is high, but the number of qualified professionals isn’t keeping up.

  • Mobile Applications (40%): As mobile tech keeps growing, so does the need for app developers. Unfortunately, there aren’t enough of them to go around.

  • Internet of Things (IoT) (39%): IoT is connecting everything around us, but finding talent to manage these connected devices is a challenge.

  • Automation (38%): Automation is hot, but the skills gap here shows that not enough people know how to do it well.

  • Data Analytics/Data Science (37%): Despite being in demand, there’s still a shortage of data gurus who can dive into big data and come out with actionable insights.

The Talent Paradox

Here’s where it gets interesting (and a little confusing). The report points out two trends that seem to contradict each other. On one hand, more companies than ever are saying they need to completely rethink their talent base to keep up with digital transformation. On the other hand, a growing number of companies don’t feel the need to change their talent at all. So, what gives?

Making Sense of It All

The key to understanding this paradox is to recognize that not all companies are at the same point in their digital transformation journey. Companies that are already deep into it know they need to shake things up—bring in new talent, upskill their current employees, and stay ahead of the curve. These are the companies pushing the boundaries and embracing change.

Meanwhile, other companies might just be dipping their toes in the water. They’re taking a more cautious approach, sticking with the talent they have, and slowly integrating new technologies. They might not feel the immediate pressure to overhaul their workforce because they’re still in the early stages of transformation.

Looking Ahead

So, what does this all mean for the future of work? The takeaway is pretty clear: Whether you’re a company leader or a professional looking to stay relevant, adapting to the digital age is non-negotiable. The skills that were cutting-edge yesterday might not be enough tomorrow, and staying ahead means continuously learning, evolving, and embracing new challenges.

For companies, this means investing in talent development and addressing skills gaps before they become roadblocks. For individuals, it’s about being proactive—seeking out opportunities to learn new skills and staying flexible in a world that’s changing faster than ever.

The bottom line? The future of work is already here, and the real question is: Are you ready for it?


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