State of IoT: Trend 4 of 10

The future belongs to those who prepare for it today!

I had the honor of contributing to the State of IoT 2024: 10 emerging IoT trends driving market growth report with IoT Analytics, particularly on a trend that's close to my heart: how generative AI is revolutionizing the manufacturing workforce for the better. Curious about what's driving the IoT world forward? You need to check out this report!

Top 10 IoT Market Trends Covered in This Report

  1. Semiconductor companies invest in embedded chipset security

  2. Industrial automation hardware becoming more intelligent with the integration of AI chipsets

  3. The rate for generative AI solutions in manufacturing has begun

  4. Generative AI has a positive (not negative!) impact on the manufacturing workforce

  5. Companies are in danger of neglecting tech adoption basics in the rush to generative AI

  6. Marketplaces are gaining in importance for technology procurement

  7. Data fabric is emerging as an advanced evolution of data lakes

  8. Hyperscalers pivot their edge strategies to innovate and secure their IIoT market position

  9. Industrial vendors are strongly investing in DataOps solutions

  10. Robots charged per hour are starting to replace manual labor due to labor shortage

My Contributing Trend (#4 from the report)

The race to integrate GenAI solutions in manufacturing—and how it differs from other technologies so far—revolves around the speed of adoption and the level of investment in the technology. Within three months of its public launch, ChatGPT reached an estimated 123 million users, an incredible feat for a new type of product. Additionally, soon after ChatGPT’s launch, Microsoft made a $10 billion investment in OpenAI, helping increase ChatGPT’s profile. This investment also showed the seriousness big tech companies like Microsoft are placing in this technology, leading companies across industries to question how they could leverage GenAI in their processes.

Adoption of new technology in manufacturing is often associated with negative impacts on the workforce. However, GenAI adoption in manufacturing is expected to boost employment and upskilling, shifting focus from automation to strategic growth. With GenAI contributing potentially $2.6–$4.4 trillion to the global economy annually, according to McKinsey, manufacturers are likely to deepen their investment in AI technologies.

However, AI’s impact on the workforce appears counterintuitive to common automation narratives. According to the Manufacturing Leadership Council, 32% of manufacturers anticipate an increase in headcount due to AI, suggesting that AI will create new roles and require upskilling rather than just automating existing ones. With 96% of manufacturers projecting increased investment in AI, there is a clear trend toward embracing AI for cost savings, growth, and revenue generation.

Emerging roles will likely include AI strategy managers and data specialists, reflecting a shift toward higher cognitive work.


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