Episode 2 (Podcast): Data is Everything

In this summer sequel to June’s premiere of (R)Evolutionizing Manufacturing, Jeff Winter and Smart Industry’s Scott Achelpohl take on data, “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” of a basic and perhaps most important issue in any digital transformation: the information your company has and how it’s used.

At the end of the day, it’s all about data.

“All the cool new technologies and transformational initiatives you hear about revolve around properly capturing and extracting value from data,” as Jeff points out in this new episode.

Questions Jeff answers in this episode:

  1. You are known as the stats and trends guy. Tell me some of the most interesting stats you have found as it relates to data.

  2. What are some other examples in digital transformation where intact data is imperative for success?

  3. What are some unconventional data sources that manufacturers can tap into for better decision-making?

  4. How might small to midsize manufacturers adopt data monitoring/analytics tools without significant financial investment? Are there any supporting software companies that you see do this the best?

  5. Of all the data created/collected by manufacturers, how much is actually useful?

  6. What kind of data is easy to use and takes less effort and cost?

Link to Smart Industry’s original podcast page

Sources Referenced:


Episode 2: Data is Everything


Six Counterintuitive Aspects of Digital Transformation