Using AI to Not Only Optimize Your Supply Chain, But Also Transform Your Entire Value Chain

Chris McNamara, Smart Industry Editor in Chief, hosts Jeff Winter, Industry 4.0 Thought Leader as part of the Insight Webinar Series. Today’s topic is about using artificial intelligence to not only optimize your supply chain, but transform your entire value chain

Questions Jeff answers in this episode:

  1. You say that Your digital transformation should extend beyond the bounds of your enterprise. What do you mean by that?

  2. How does a manufacturer broaden the scope of its digital transformation?

  3. Big picture—how is AI being used to sharpen supply-chain strategies? How is this approach evolving?

  4. What’s the level of adoption for companies looking to expand their digital transformation outside of their internal processes? What is inhibiting adoption?

  5. What is "intelligent planning"? How is that notion changing as digitalization strategies mature?

  6. What’s the opposite of intelligent planning?

  7. Differentiate demand forecasting from demand planning. What is the interplay between these approaches?

  8. What kinds of data are most useful regarding supply-chain forecasting?

  9. Why is accuracy with this data critical to developing predictable production strategies?

  10. Let’s forecast a bit…what does value-chain management look like in one year? Five years?

Sources Referenced:


Industry 4.0 & AI Trends Part 1


Smart Manufacturing Enablers & Enhancers