Pilot Purgatory


Uh oh, the 'Pilot Purgatory' card has been played at your company. What is your next move?

When 'Pilot Purgatory' traps your team in a cycle of indecision, it’s time to lay down a winning hand. Here’s the strategic four-card combo to play next, turning the tables in your favor:

Card 1: Visionary Map

Effect: Realigns all initiatives with the ultimate quest – your business goals. Use this card to filter out distractions and focus your resources on paths that lead to victory.

Card 2: Coalition of Champions

Effect: Summons a cross-functional team of stakeholders, each bringing unique abilities to the table. This card fosters collaboration and ensures that every project advances your collective quest.

Card 3: Argile Arsenal

Effect: Grants you the power to adapt swiftly to the changing terrain of the business landscape. This card encourages iterative progress, allowing for quick pivots and continuous delivery of value.

Card 4: Metrics Mastery

Effect: Empowers you to track progress with precision. Play this card to set clear success indicators for each initiative, ensuring that your advancements are measurable and meaningful.

With this combo in play, you’re set to break free from 'Pilot Purgatory' and charge ahead towards digital dominance. Each card represents an essential strategy in your playbook, guiding you to a win in the grand game of business transformation.


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