LXT Podcast - Episode 10: Current State of AI

In the 10th episode of Speaking of AI, LXT’s Phil Hall chats with Jeff Winter, digital transformation enthusiast and Hitachi Solutions’ Senior Director of Industry Strategy. In addition to his career as a leading technology and business strategist, Jeff is also the global, number one Industry 4.0 influencer, according to Onalytica. Tune in to this episode to learn more about Jeff’s take on LXT’s recently published Path to AI Maturity report, generative AI, the current state of the AI evolution, and how companies can begin, or further, their AI and digital transformation.

Questions Jeff answers in this episode:

  1. Where are companies getting it right and where are they struggling? What advice do you have for companies who want to capitalize on the transformative impact of AI?

  2. You mentioned automation and augmentation, could you dig a little bit more into the distinction between the two?

  3. What initially piqued your interest in LXT’s AI maturity reports?

  4. Companies are stating that they have reached higher levels of AI maturity in recent reports, what do you think is driving these companies’ self-perceived growth?

  5. What steps should companies that are still experimenting with AI take to ensure that they don’t get left behind?

  6. Do you think generative AI is more important than other branches of AI or is this a “drink the Kool-Aid” moment due to the hype around Gen AI and ChatGPT?

  7. What do you think are the top use cases of generative AI? Does it match what companies report in LXT’s Path to AI Maturity?

  8. Data from the report shows what companies are investing in. Where do you think companies should be focusing investment when it comes to rolling out AI?

  9. Where could companies use AI easily without even knowing anything about their company, their size, their industry, their maturity that has a fairly high success rate?

Sources Referenced:


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