Industry 4.0, Digital Transformation, Microsoft Initiatives, Emerging Tech

You probably know Jeff as the Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation enthusiast. The guy who is always showing us the latest trends and participating in many industry associations. Jeff recently made a move to Microsoft to work as their Manufacturing Industry Executive. Vlad and Dave cannot think of a better person to kick off the Emerging Trends in Manufacturing theme! Jeff is going to be in the hot seat talking about what technologies we're all going to be using next year, 5 years from now, maybe even 20 years from now!

Questions Jeff answers in this episode:

  • How did you get into manufacturing?

  • Are there key factors that lead you into sales engineering?

  • What do you do at Microsoft?

  • How did you get started building your reputation as an Industry 4.0 influencer?

  • What associations/groups do you recommend joining for Industry 4.0?

  • Where is the industry going? What would you like to see be different in manufacturing?

  • Any good book recommendations?

  • What career advice would you give?

*Correction in Episode: Jeff said “ISA has 35,000 members and 18 divisions” - it should have been around 13,000 members and 16 divisions (at the time)


IT/OT Convergence – Benefits & Challenges in Manufacturing


What Is Industry 4.0?