Where Are Industrial Robots Being Installed?

The world nearly tripled its number of industrial robots from 2012 to 2021

According to the International Federation of Robotics

  • Globally, the operational stock of industrial robots saw a 14.6% increase in 2021, reaching 3,477,000 up from 3,035,000 in 2020.

  • In 2013, China surpassed Japan as the leading country in industrial robot installations, and since then, the gap between China and other countries has only widened. China's share of global industrial robot installations grew from 20.8% in 2013 to 51.8% in 2021. By 2021, China installed more industrial robots than all other countries combined.

  • In 2021 China is leading in robot installations with 268,200 units, which is 5.7 times more than Japan's 47,200 and 7.7 times more than the U.S.'s 35,000. Following these countries were South Korea with 31,000 installations and Germany with 23,800.

• Canada (66%), Italy (65%), and Mexico (61%) reported the highest growth rates in annual robot installations.

• In 2017, Collaborative robots made up 2.8% of all new robot installations, but this figure rose to 7.5% by 2021. However, traditional robots still dominate new installations.

Top Three Implications

  1. China’s Global Leadership: China's massive robot adoption highlights its aim for global manufacturing supremacy, potentially boosting its economic influence.

  2. Labor Market Changes: Increased robot use may displace manual jobs but create demand for skilled robotics roles, emphasizing the need for STEM education.

  3. Robotics Evolution: The rise of collaborative robots suggests future manufacturing will be more adaptive, flexible, and human-centric, revolutionizing industrial processes.



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