What Does AI Look Like in Manufacturing?

If there’s one word that can summarize the state of the manufacturing industry today, it would probably be “change”.  Supply chain challenges, labor shortages, economic unpredictability, and an evolving global landscape have spurred manufacturing business leaders to rethink how they do business, and how technology can help them evolve.

The power and potential of AI in solving real-world business problems is impossible to ignore, but what exactly does that look like for manufacturers?

Join Advisory Host Dave Horstein and Industry 4.0 Expert Jeff Winter as they break this down for leaders solving for business in a very specific way for the manufacturing industry.

Questions Jeff answers in this episode:

  1. How should manufacturers be looking at AI?

  2. How exactly are manufacturers leveraging AI? Where are they seeing the most value in implementing AI?

  3. What is a real-world example of AI making an impact on a manufacturer’s business?

  4. What advice would you give for manufacturers that want to make an impact with their AI initiatives?

  5. What is the path for integrating AI into a business? Is there a maturity roadmap or pathway that manufacturers can align to? 

Link to Hitachi Solutions’ original podcast page

Sources Referenced:


Machine Vision Use Cases 2023


Keynote - Driving Growth and Staying Relevant in the Era of Industry 4.0