Digital Transformation Ad Hockery

Digital transformation is not just about the tech you buy, but the reasons why you buy it. Let me explain…

In today's rapid pace of technological change, there's a new art form taking shape in boardrooms across the globe: Digital Transformation Ad Hockery.

It's a process we're all too familiar with—acquiring cutting-edge IT solutions, each one promising to be the silver bullet. However, once the dust settles and the invoices are paid, we find ourselves pondering, "What was the actual problem we were trying to solve?"

This phrase of the day serves as a candid reminder: Tech for tech's sake is a game of chance, not change. Let's shift the narrative from impulsive tech splurges to deliberate, problem-solving investments. Because when it comes to transformation, the 'why' should always precede the 'what.'

Alternative Definition: Like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube in the dark; it feels progressive, but you're not sure if it's working.


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