CESMII - Smart Manufacturing Mindset: Becoming a Smart Manufacturing Roadmap Professional

In this digital transformation era, the manufacturing landscape is rapidly evolving, offering unprecedented opportunities for growth and innovation. However, many manufacturers are grappling with the challenge of where to begin their journey toward Smart Manufacturing, how to prioritize investments, and how to build a solid foundation for success.

Fortunately, CESMII, the Smart Manufacturing Institute, has teamed up with the team at Rensselaer at Work & NxGen Group to develop the SM Roadmap Professional Certification Course – a course that teaches CESMII’s strategic approach to developing SM Roadmaps with the necessary tools to guide manufacturers through their transformation journey.

Watch this LinkedIn Live event, featuring recent graduates of the Smart Manufacturing Roadmap Professional Course. They'll share their experiences, insights, and the value of certification in these tools and resources to guide small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) toward success. You'll also learn how to sign up for the next course, beginning April 15, 2024!

Hear from:

Questions Jeff answers in this episode:

  1. Can you explain your role and what drew you into this course? Why did you take it?

  2. What are some takeaways from the course? And how does it compare to other frameworks?

  3. How important is it that the industry has a toolset to help develop a roadmap?

  4. What would you say to people considering this program?

  5. What do you think is different about what CESMII is doing?

Link to CESMII’s original podcast page


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