All about Digital Twin

Peggy Smedley and Jeff Winter talk about digital twin and simulation. He says a digital twin takes a real-life object and creates an exact copy of that same object in the digital world; meanwhile, a simulation is a virtual model of a system or process, but it is typically used to predict or analyze its behavior under different conditions and usually is not connected to the real world.

They also discuss:

Where the digital thread comes in. Industry examples of a digital twin that everyone has likely used and one in an industrial setting. The importance of data integration, interoperability, and scalability.

Questions Jeff answers in this episode:

  1. What’s the difference between digital twin and a simulation?

  2. Is it digital twin or bust? Or are there levels? 

  3. How does the digital thread fit in?

  4. Can you give us an industry example?

  5. What are the challenges?

Sources Referenced:


Digital Transformation Decision Tree


The Five Constituents of Manufacturing & The Purpose-Driven Company