AI Systems for Industry 4.0 | Jeff Winter talks to engatica

In today's episode of the engatica interview series, we spoke to Jeff Winter, ​​Industry Executive at Microsoft and Industry 4.0 & Digital Transformation Enthusiast. Innovations in AI are advancing at a rapid pace. It's becoming easier and easier to deploy AI systems today than how it was a decade back. Jeff tells us how significant is the role of AI systems in fulfilling the requirements for industry 4.0 and what are his thoughts on how it will transform the future of industrial processes.

The engatica interview series is a powerhouse of insights from industry experts and influencers from around the world. A platform that provides the latest news on AI, Automation, and technologies that will help you grow your business.

Questions Jeff answers in this episode:

  1. Can we start by explaining to our viewers what industry 4.0 is and what its promises are that would excite us?

  2. How were the early adopters of Industry 4.0 able to better handle the challenges posed by the pandemic?

  3. How significant is the role of AI systems in fulfilling the requirements for Industry 4.0? And what are your thoughts on how it will transform the future of industrial processes? 

  4. Are there any other soundbites that you would like to share with our audience?

Link to Engatica’s original interview page


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